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Hi! My name is LXGK. This website has been an idea of mine for a little while. It has been live since 29th November 2021. This is its third iteration now.

The purpose of the site is to be a hub of resources, materials and links related to the Xeno series of games (Xenogears, Xenosaga and Xenoblade).

Currently the site contains:

GAME STAFF: This is a Google Sheets document listing the known credited (and a few uncredited) staff members behind the titles that Monolith Soft (MSI) have developed. Therefore it includes both Xeno and non-Xeno games.

DEVELOPMENT: A 50+ page document about the development of the Xeno series from 1994 with Xenogears to current day with Xenoblade. It's heavily inspired by the History sections of the "Xenogears and Xenosaga Study Guide" website by A.C. Facts about the development are sorted into small segments with citations to interviews.

DIAGRAMS: These are diagram images that I have made and uploaded to the site. Given how complicated these stories can become, I find creating these makes things easier to follow so I hope that maybe some others will find them useful too!

MAGAZINES: Another part of my itch for archiving things. I'm trying to collect scans for any and all references to the Xeno series and MSI in various magazines. Whether they be from the UK, US, Japan, Brazil, Russia, anything. There are some really interesting details in some of these magazines, and it's also a nice window into the reactions to the games at the time.

Future content:

REFERENCES: This will yet another large text document that will list many different things from throughout the Xeno series and will talk about what they're references to, things like pop culture to philosophy books and religious concepts.

DATA: Another large project. I'll say more when it's more developed.